Most worldview assessments only focus on beliefs or behaviors.
The 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey gets at the heart, too.
See the interaction of beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. See your students think about their worldview. See them seek to know and live a biblical worldview more fully.
We understand what it’s like to care for your students, lead them in discussions about course content, and still not really know if they have a firm grasp on a Christian worldview that they will take with them beyond our class.
The 3DWS has undergone statistical validity and reliability review, and principle component analysis. Dr. Katherine Schultz actually wrote the definition of Christian worldview for the Encyclopedia of Christian Education. Since 2011, we’ve worked with professors to challenge hundreds of students to examine themselves. We can help you, too.
What students are saying about using the 3DWS
“I went through a paradigm shift after using the 3DWS during this class where I realized for the first time the severity of the contrast between a cultural and a biblical way of life.”
“Upon receipt of the 3DWS results, I immediately became angry, skeptical, and deeply sad, as though I might be less of a Christian. The walls around my heart quickly stiffened in their natural attempt to protect as I perceived judgement and inadequacy…. I received the revelation through this experience of how vulnerable I am to secular perception and postmodernism in our culture.”
“It is clear that I struggle with the more emotional and spiritual aspects of faith because I have put an emphasis on knowledge. This emphasis has likely been working beneath the surface and I have not even been aware of it. Because of my experiences in life, at times I do not recognize the influence of Secularism beneath the surface.”
“Previous to taking the 3DWS I assumed my worldview would point back to biblical Christianity in all aspects, yet I was wrong…. This survey has provided me with practical steps to engage in social issues and stay on the path of biblical Christianity in the midst of hidden worldviews.”
Here’s How It Works
1. Set Up Your Class
Register your class and get a group code.
2. Share the Group Code
Share the survey link and group code with your students.
3. See Them Awaken
See them awaken to a Biblical Worldview as they evaluate their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes.
Not in Higher Education?
You can still make a difference!
At 3D Worldview Survey, we know you want to be a professor who awakens your student’s desire to align their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. In order to do that, you need confidence about what each student’s worldview is. The problem is your students don’t necessarily know themselves, which makes you feel unsure for them. We believe you can make difference for life and for eternity. We understand what it’s like to care for your students, lead them in discussions, and still not really know if they have a firm grasp on a Christian worldview that they will take with them beyond our class. That’s is why we have worked with professors to challenge hundreds of students to examine themselves. Here’s how we do it: 1. Set up your group. 2. Share the survey link with your students. 3. See them awaken to a Biblical Worldview as they evaluate their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. So, register your group now. And in the meantime, enjoy the free guide to starting discussions about what students know, do, and love. So you can stop wondering about their worldview and instead see students who love Jesus Christ and stand firm in the faith.
Not yet ready to register? Check out our free pdf “10 Questions to Understand Someone’s Worldview.”