3D Worldview Survey: Is It Right for Your Group?

Do you worry your students are not living out their faith in their daily lives? Understanding their actual worldview beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes can be a great starting point The 3D Worldview Survey (#3DWS) is designed to reveal all three areas.
female teacher interacting with group of students in classroom

3D Worldview Survey: Is It Right for Your Group?

3D Worldview Survey: Is It Right for Your Group? 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

3D Worldview Survey: Is It Right for Your Group?

August 8, 2023
Katherine Schultz

Do you worry your students are not living out their faith in their daily lives? So much of what we do in working with students in our Christian school, college, or church group is investing in them so that they will know the truth, but we are not satisfied with just having them know the truth. We want them to live it out (James 1:22) and to love the Lord (Matthew 22:37)!

Understanding their actual worldview beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes can be a great starting point for where to go next in the way you teach and disciple your students. And the 3-D Worldview Survey (3DWS) is designed to reveal all three areas: beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. 

So how do you know if the 3DWS is right for your group?

What are 3DWS teacher users saying?

From a Florida K-12 School

Billy Fisher, EdD
  Middle School Principal
  First Baptist Academy, Naples, FL

“We chose the 3DWS to use with our students because of the holistic picture it gives of a student’s worldview. In my research, many of the worldview surveys on the market focus on the propositional aspect of worldview. However, the 3DWS seeks to understand one’s beliefs, values, and actions. Gathering data on these three areas helped us as school administrators to know where to target our areas of Bible and biblical worldview instruction. 

We had our 8th and 12th grade students complete the 3DWS. For 8th grade, this gave us a baseline to see where our students are prior to going into high school. With 12th grade, it gave us a picture of our soon to be graduates and their worldview development. Having this data allowed us as an administration to have conversations around our programming and ways that we could make tweaks to help students grow in their biblical worldview. I think moving forward, it would be helpful to use the 3DWS as a pretest/posttest to assess each year our programming as we seek to develop students with Christian character and a biblical worldview, preparing them for life, learning, and leadership.” 

From a College in Alberta

Rob Lindemann, EdD
  Chief Academic Officer
  Vanguard College 

“The 3DWS, both in its underlying theoretical framework and its concrete application, have helped my students recognize the forces that have shaped their worldviews and what they must do to become more mature in their faith. I often tell students, “It’s time to take your worldview off of autopilot!” The implication is that worldviews are often shaped below the threshold of conscious awareness. They function like an autopilot taking us on a pre-determined trajectory through every action and reaction. The 3DWS raises a student’s level of conscious awareness and its results point them toward living a life that is worthy of the Lord and pleases him in every way.”

Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey

What are 3DWS Student Users Saying?

  1. After removing the veil of humanism, the 3DWS revealed a sea of individualism in which I was a ship – my mind and compass pointed primarily toward my desires and goals. – Torben A. 
  2. I knew what a worldview was but did not understand the gravity of how it shapes all areas of our lives. My worldview was not my biggest priority, and I failed to question what influences impacted my existing worldview. When looking at my results from the 3DWS, I saw prompts and hidden worldviews that I did not expect to see. There were points such as secularism, relativism, and morality in my answers, and this is causing me to reevaluate my worldview. – Katherine A. 
  3. The Three-Dimensional Worldview Survey provided an extremely insightful yet surprisingly accurate outlook into my life as a Christian. Despite having only 73 questions in total, each dimension – propositional, behavioural, and heart orientation – separated the aspects of my walk with faith to a high degree of precision. All three dimensions have increased significantly during my life as a Christian, and I am excited to see them continue to develop as I continue college studies and pursue my faith with greater discipline. – Ben K. 
  4. Before completing the 3DWS survey I thought I held an overall biblical worldview, but was unconscious of the other worldviews that shaped my beliefs and behaviors. I was unaware of the subtle worldview messages that I encountered daily from sources such as my workplace, social media, and my family and friends. – Marissa T. 
  5. The 3D Worldview Survey was very insightful and has helped me reflect more on myself and my relationship with God. The Propositional, Behavioural, and Heart Orientation dimensions all held good accuracy of where I believe my relationship with God is and areas that continue to grow as well as areas that need improvement. – Ali W. 

Now What?

If you are looking for a way to help determine the biblical worldview of your students, and want to understand your students’ beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes with the 3-D Worldview Survey, click the link below to register and schedule a brief call to get your group survey set up.