123-D Snapshot: Bible Reading

A biblical worldview snapshot: bible reading for a 3-D worldview, including worldview beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes.
Woman and man standing on open page of Bible with bright sun in background.

123-D Snapshot: Bible Reading

123-D Snapshot: Bible Reading 1920 1278 Katherine Schultz

123-D Snapshot: Bible Reading

January 17, 2023
Katherine Schultz

1 Topic: Bible Reading

Developing a mature biblical worldview can only happen with regular bible intake through reading, study, listening, and meditation on the Word of God.

2 Scriptures

1 Timothy 4:13 “Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.”

Psalm 119:130 “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.”

3-D Worldview 

If we want to have a mature biblical worldview, and to influence others to have that as well, we must be spending time in the Word of God regularly. We need to read it in large chunks. Study small sections deeply. Listen–through preaching, reading, and conversations–to mature Christian theologians and thinkers who share their wisdom with us. And think about it in our daily lives, calling it up when we need guidance, but also reflecting on it because we love to hear the words of the God we love. 

Interested in help to understand someone’s worldview? Grab the free pdf “10 Questions to Discover Your Worldview” below.