Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey

3DWS Client Story

Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey

Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey 2240 1260 Katherine Schultz

Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey

March 7, 2023
Katherine Schultz

Do your students have a mature biblical worldview?  

Do you struggle to know if your students have a mature biblical worldview? Are their beliefs, behaviors and attitudes aligned with what the Bible teaches? How can you know? And what do you do with the information once you have it?

Meet Rob L.

Rob Lindemann
Rob Lindemann

Rob is a faculty member at a Christian college in Alberta, Canada. He is also author of the book, Setting a Sustainable Trajectory: A Pedagogical Theory for Christian Worldview Formation. He teaches a required first-year class for all the college’s students on Biblical worldview. 

About half-way through the class, Rob has his students complete the 3-D Worldview Survey #3-dws. They then use the results to reflect on how their own worldview has been influenced by other worldviews. And they identify they how they might want to rethink their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes.

Rob had this to say:

“The Three-Dimensional Worldview Survey (#3-DWS), both in its underlying theoretical framework and its concrete application, have helped my students recognize the forces that have shaped their worldviews and what they must do to become more mature in their faith. I often tell students, “It’s time to take your worldview off of autopilot!” The implication is that worldviews are often shaped below the threshold of conscious awareness. They function like an autopilot taking us on a pre-determined trajectory through every action and reaction. The 3DWS raises a student’s level of conscious awareness and its results point them toward living a life that is worthy of the Lord and pleases him in every way.”

Rob Lindemann, EdD
Chief Academic Officer
Vanguard College

What do Rob’s students say?

  • 3DWS was very insightful and has helped me reflect more on myself and my relationship with God. The Propositional, Behavioural, and Heart Orientation dimensions all held good accuracy of where I believe my relationship with God is and areas that continue to grow as well as areas that need improvement. – Ali W. 
  • Through participation in the 3DWS, I became aware of gaps within my Christian worldview where external influences have affected my thinking. By splitting the outworking of a worldview into three distinct categories, it became easier to classify and diagnose the gaps within my worldview. – Josh G. 
  • I love and am grateful for the comment on my 3DWS survey results: “If you want to improve in the behavioral dimension, think about how you can connect what you know with what you do: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22). I appreciate this comment because the suggestion is something that I strongly desire to live out. One way I can live this out in my current life situation is by getting connected to a church community. – Josh F.
  • One of the most valuable truths I have learned is that other worldviews apart from the Biblical one can permeate the lives of Christians and the life of the church. It is truly beneficial to identify and acknowledge these to assess whether the Christian worldview is made the top priority and the Bible the utmost and sole authority in life. Taking the 3DWS has been a helpful tool in assessing the state of my own biblical worldview. – Justine C. 

What do I do now?

If you want help understanding if your students have a mature biblical worldview, asking questions is a great place to start. The 3-Dimensional Survey #3-dws is a great tool to use in a classroom, small group, or individual effort to understand worldview.

I help leaders in Christian organizations who are struggling to know if their students have a mature biblical worldview by measuring how well beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes line up;  identifying gaps; and empowering educators to help students orient their hearts toward God. 

If you aren’t yet ready for the survey, why not try a few of the questions? The free PDF “10 Questions to Understand Your Worldview” gives you a sample of the questions on the survey. And it can awaken understanding by helping students identify worldview beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes and orient their hearts toward God.

Grab your free PDF now