Are You Worried Your Students Will Walk Away from Their Faith?

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Are You Worried Your Students Will Walk Away from Their Faith?

Are You Worried Your Students Will Walk Away from Their Faith? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Are You Worried Your Students Will Walk Away from Their Faith?

May 23, 2023
Katherine Schultz

If I’m honest…

If I’m honest, so am I. I could despair over those who have. I could put my head in the sand and just let them go. 

The Truth is…

But the truth is, my hope for them is in the same place as my hope for me: Jesus Christ alone can save them, and keep them safe. So my role is to be faithful. To talk to them openly about a biblical worldview, and tell them why it matters. Help them understand that there will be challenges to their faith – from the world, from the enemy of their soul, from people they love, and from themselves. 

So what can I do right now?

I can help them be prepared when there are struggles in the world because Jesus told us to expect them (John 16:33). And I can help them stand fast in the faith by the power of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 16:13) rather than any efforts of their own (or mine!). Of course, I can pray for them (James 5:16). And I can help them see the total truth of the biblical worldview: its comprehensiveness, cohesiveness, coherence, and correspondence with reality.

What about you? 

Do you want your students to hold fast to the faith throughout their lives? Do you want them to have a mature biblical worldview that keeps them following after Jesus even after they leave your school, and living it out in their daily lives well into the future and eternity? Do you want them to orient their hearts toward God?

You can use questions to get at their worldview beliefs, behaviors and attitudes. And you can use their answers to awaken their understanding of their own worldview, and point them toward Jesus. Interested in some questions you can ask to help understand a person’s worldview? Download the free pdf “10 Questions to Understand Someone’s Worldview” below.