Overcoming Obstacles to Using the 3DWS

Half the lane of a 2-lane highway through dense evergreen hillside forest is sliding down the hill in a landslide

Overcoming Obstacles to Using the 3DWS

Overcoming Obstacles to Using the 3DWS 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

Overcoming Obstacles to Using the 3DWS

September 12, 2023
Katherine Schultz

My family went on lots of road trips visiting family when I was growing up. We would pack our camping gear into a VW bus and head out for 6 weeks, traveling all through the western US as we saw the country, visited family and friends, and spent time together. With 4 kids, it was high energy time, especially once we got settled into a campground for the night. 

Sometimes, we would meet up with those family and friends and a state park, and the number of kids got even bigger, so the adults took advantage of time around the picnic table visiting as the kids explored, played Whoosh (does anyone else remember that?), and made occasional forays back to the table for something to eat.

On one particular camping trip, nearing the end of a meal that included 3-bean salad, seated around an old picnic table. It was one of those all-in-one tables, with metal curved supports that connected the benches to the table. Two aunts, an uncle, and a cousin were on one side, and 1 adult friend and 3 cousins were on the other. 

Some mischievous cousin (not me, I promise!) got up from the table and started tickling the adult friend, who immediately jumped up from the table to get away, and the table was just rocky enough that the bench where he had been sitting lifted off the ground and the whole thing started to tip. Well that was enough to get those last 2 cousins up, which only made the problem worse, and the four on the other side of the table were too slow. The whole thing rocked further, and the 3-bean salad ended up splashed all over the white sweatshirt of the remaining cousin. (I don’t know why she was wearing a white sweatshirt on a camping trip—I’ll let it slide if you will, and I’m guessing it didn’t happen again). 

Chaos! Everything was off balance. And the result was a big mess! (No injuries except to pride as far as I can remember).

The Importance of Balance

So why tell you this story? So that you see the importance of balance. The 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey (3DWS) looks at beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes as integrated parts of a person’s whole worldview, and if one is out of balance, the result can be a big mess. Someone who has strong beliefs, but no corresponding action in life, or a grudging attitude may be a hypocrite. Someone with strong actions, but a lack of understanding, or a negative attitude will likely be an unpleasant person, and may actually take action in ways that are in opposition to the Bible. And someone who has a strong heart for God, but lacks a biblical foundation is susceptible to being drawn away by false teaching, or outside unbiblical influences because they don’t know any better.

So you’ve decided you want to use the 3DWS, but you (or your supervisor) have unanswered questions. Let me help.

We Already Do Another Worldview or Bible Assessment

Because the 3DWS is 3-dimensional, it’s the only worldview assessment of its kind. Only the 3DWS assesses beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes, giving you and your students a clear understanding of their worldview, and revealing how you can help them orient their hearts toward God. If you want a way to assess the balance of your students’ worldview, this is the tool that will help you do that.

We Don’t Have Time

The 3DWS takes about 20 minutes to complete. That’s not much time to get real clarity on where your students’ understanding of biblical worldview stands. And with the leader guide, you can make targeted decisions about what to do next, whether that means additional instruction on certain topics, focused activities, or direct discipleship. In addition, you’ll know the beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that line up with a biblical worldview, and can encourage your students as they continue to grow.

So take 20 minutes to get laser focused on what matters for eternity.

We Can’t Afford It

We offer a 30% discount on the survey for groups over 10 (for groups over 100, contact us for pricing).

You’ll pay a 10% deposit when you register, and then not need to pay again until your students have completed the survey, allowing you to spread out your payments. And if you prefer to have your students pay directly, we can set that up during your registration call.

Does the Theology Line Up with Ours?

While the 3DWS reflects an orthodox (traditional) Protestant evangelical Christian worldview, we also believe that even a person who disagrees with the items on the survey will still benefit from the self-reflection and awareness that comes with taking the survey.

Of course, if you have particular concerns, please contact us.

I’m Having a Hard Time Convincing My Team

Maybe you are convinced, but you need to get other people’s agreement. Does the organization’s mission mention mature believers/worldview? Do you want a way to measure that to report to an accrediting agency, board, donors, prospective parents? You can use the results of the 3DWS to identify what you are doing well, and where you can improve. I can help your organization show members of your community, as well as outside agencies, how you have grown over time, and help you identify next steps that they can join you in pursuing. 

And if you haven’t yet used the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the pdf 10 Questions to Understand Worldviewfor some questions to get you started.

Now What?

If you are looking for a way to help determine the biblical worldview of your students, and want to understand your students’ beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes with the 3-D Worldview Survey, click the link below to register and schedule a brief call to get your group survey set up.

#3dws #biblicalworldview #assessingworldview