26 Tools for Transformation for Classroom to Kingdom: Empowering Teachers with a Biblical Worldview Toolkit

Empower classrooms with 26 tools for a solid biblical worldview. Explore transformative resources for impactful teaching.
Young woman reaching for a book on a shelf in the library stacks.

26 Tools for Transformation for Classroom to Kingdom: Empowering Teachers with a Biblical Worldview Toolkit

26 Tools for Transformation for Classroom to Kingdom: Empowering Teachers with a Biblical Worldview Toolkit 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

26 Tools for Transformation for Classroom to Kingdom: Empowering Teachers with a Biblical Worldview Toolkit

January 2, 2024
Katherine Schultz

Know Anyone like This?

In the serene (and fictitious) town of Oakridge, where rolling hills cradled quiet neighborhoods, Sarah Thompson, a devoted high school teacher, faced a unique challenge. Sarah, who taught history, felt a deep calling to guide her students toward a mature understanding of their faith—a biblical worldview that would anchor them through the turbulence of adolescence and beyond.

Sunset Reflections: A Classroom Dilemma

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across her desk cluttered with worn textbooks and lesson plans, Sarah sighed. Her students, hungry for more than historical facts, sought a foundation that would withstand the trials of youth and shape their character into purposeful adulthood.

Late-Night Conversations with a Friend

The realization struck Sarah during a late-night conversation with her trusted colleague, Emily, at a cozy local coffee shop. The two teachers huddled over their materials, the flickering candlelight dancing across their faces.

“I want to offer these kids more than just academic knowledge,” Sarah confessed, her eyes reflecting both passion and concern. “I want to provide them with a roadmap for life, grounded in faith. But I’m struggling to find resources that go beyond the surface.”

Emily nodded empathetically, sipping her coffee. “I feel the same way. We need materials that resonate with the hearts of these young believers, guiding them through tough questions and deepening their convictions.”

Unearthing Resources and Compiling the Results

Undeterred, Sarah set out on a quest to unearth hidden treasures within literature, online platforms, and educational communities. Classics like C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity and contemporary works like Tim Keller’s The Reason for God became her companions. Through tears and laughter, she discovered authors who spoke directly to the hearts of her students, addressing doubts, fears, and the joy of a faith that endures.

Compiling her findings, Sarah felt a renewed sense of purpose. She knew her research could still serve as a valuable resource for her students. Her determination was fueled by a desire to empower students yearning for a faith that transcends the classroom.

Transformations in the Classroom and Hope for the Future

In the days that followed, Sarah’s insights transformed her classroom. Engaging discussions blossomed, challenging her students to wrestle with profound questions and strengthening their convictions. Through carefully chosen readings, she witnessed a spark in their eyes—a realization that faith could be not only a source of peace but a guiding force in their daily lives.

The joy Sarah experienced was immeasurable, knowing she was shaping resilient, mature Christians within her own classroom. As she looked out of her classroom window, she envisioned her students leaving high school and college with a firm foundation. With a newfound depth of understanding, she believed her students would not only graduate as strong Christians but also carry the torch of their faith into a world in desperate need of a Savior.

Resource List for Sarah and You

If you are like Sarah, and you are looking for resources to help you as you work with students to develop a mature biblical worldview in their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes, here is a list of resources that can get you started. 


  1. Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim’s Progress. An allegorical tale vividly illustrating the Christian journey.
  2. Chamberlain, Paul. Can We Be Good Without God? Explores the intersection of morality and belief in God. The author, a Christian philosopher, engages with the question of whether moral values can be grounded without a belief in God. Through reasoned arguments and discussions, Chamberlain addresses the implications of atheism and secularism on ethics, contemplating whether a foundation in God is necessary for objective morality.
  3. Chesterton, G.K. Orthodoxy. Chesterton’s exploration of Christian orthodoxy is witty, insightful, and thought-provoking.
  4. Erdvig, R. Beyond Biblical Integration: Immersing you and your students in a biblical worldview. Offers a practical plan for helping schools who want their students to be immersed in a biblical worldview.
  5. Keller, Timothy. The Reason for God. Addresses common doubts and objections to Christianity with intellectual rigor.
  6. Lindemann, J. Setting a Sustainable Trajectory: A Pedagogical Theory for Christian Worldview Formation. Offers a pedagogical theory that shows how college teachers can clarify their goals, set relevant objectives, employ effective teaching strategies, and design helpful assessment methods. Emphasis not only on biblical thinking but also goes beyond the classroom.
  7. Lewis, C.S. Mere Christianity. A classic providing a rational foundation for Christian beliefs.
  8. Lewis, C.S. The Great Divorce. A fictional exploration of heaven and hell, challenging readers to think deeply about their beliefs.
  9. Lewis, C.S. The Problem of Pain. Explores the nature of suffering and its relation to faith.
  10. Lewis, C.S. The Screwtape Letters. A satirical look at the nature of temptation and spiritual warfare.
  11. Naugle, D. Worldview: The History of Concept. A very thorough resource for teachers who want an intense foundation for understanding worldview.
  12. Noebel, D. Understanding the Times. An extensive resource with comparative worldviews across multiple parameters. Particularly effective for understanding the propositional dimension of worldview.
  13. Pearcey, N. Total Truth. A good resource for teachers to get more confident in their own worldview, and also has an extensive bibliography of resources organized by subject area for those who want to develop their worldview in their own field.
  14. Packer, J.I. Knowing God. A deep exploration of the nature of God and the Christian life.
  15. Piper, John. Desiring God. Explores the concept of Christian hedonism, arguing that the pursuit of joy is central to the Christian life.
  16. Sire, J. Naming the Elephant. An updated investigation of worldview that addresses why worldview is not simply an academic concept.
  17. Sire, J. The Universe Next Door. A great introductory text that can be used in a classroom setting to help students understand worldview by comparing the Truth of biblical theism with competing worldviews in several key parameters. (make sure to get an edition after the 5th so you get the updates based on his discovery of the orientation of the heart as part of worldview)
  18. Smith, James K.A. Desiring the Kingdom. Explores the formative power of worship and liturgy in shaping the Christian worldview. Smith argues for the importance of recognizing that our loves and desires are profoundly shaped by cultural practices, making a compelling case for a holistic Christian education that addresses the heart and not just the mind.
  19. Whitney, D. Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Biblical action steps for developing a mature behavioral worldview through prayer, worship, and more.
  20. Whitney, D. Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health. Everyone can benefit by reflecting on their heart attitudes as they consider each of the questions posed in this book, including “Do you delight in the bride of Christ?”
  21. Wilkens, S., and Sanford, M. Hidden Worldviews. Challenges Christians who have adopted various worldviews that masquerade as biblical but are off the mark, including individualism and salvation by therapy to name a couple.


  1. 3D Worldview Survey Blog. (you were expecting that, right)
  2. Colson Center. Provides a biblical perspective on current events and offers in-depth training for individuals ready to be leaders for kingdom impact in every professional field.
  3. Summit Ministries. Offers great in-person and online training for adults, and very good summer sessions for students who want to understand a biblical worldview and make a difference for the Kingdom.
  4. RenewEd. Offers a wealth of resources and insights for educators aiming to integrate a biblical worldview into their teaching. Explore practical tools, articles, and community support for a Christ-centered approach to education.
  5. Transformed PD. Train your teachers in Christ-centered education with a 2-year coach training professional development program that uses three strategies to reveal worldview principles in content: purpose, assumptions, and questions.

Want More Resources? 

These resources cover a range of topics, providing a diverse set of resources to engage students (and teachers) in thoughtful discussions about their faith and worldview. Have fun, and may God bless you and your students as you seek to grow in maturity as followers of Jesus Christ. The impact of a biblical worldview developed and nurtured early in a person’s lifetime will have a long-reaching impact, and the resources above can help you as you work to disciple your students toward that maturity.

We are convinced of the immediate relevance of developing a 3-dimensional and biblical worldview in students so that they have a firm foundation of beliefs that they live out in their daily behavior as they continue with an attitude that orients their heart toward the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their lives. 

And if you are convinced that a biblical worldview is more than just a person’s beliefs, then I encourage you to consider using a survey like the 3DWS to help you better understand your student’s beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. And to see them become more self-aware as well.

If you haven’t yet used the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the pdf below for some questions to get you started.
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