Worldview Uncovered: 3 Questions to Illuminate the Layers of Student Worldviews

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Worldview Uncovered: 3 Questions to Illuminate the Layers of Student Worldviews

Worldview Uncovered: 3 Questions to Illuminate the Layers of Student Worldviews 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Worldview Uncovered: 3 Questions to Illuminate the Layers of Student Worldviews

February 27, 2024
Katherine Schultz

Are you a teacher in a Christian school or college looking for ways to understand your students’ worldview, particularly a 3-dimensional worldview?

We believe that a worldview has three dimensions: propositional (beliefs), behaviors, and heart-orientation (attitudes). Beliefs are foundational, and they have a profound influence on our behaviors. Of course, we behave according to what we actually believe. But it’s also true that our beliefs can shape our attitudes. Our attitudes influence what we believe, and certainly what we do. And over time, our behaviors can even influence our beliefs and attitudes.

Here are 3 questions, one from each dimension of worldview, to get you started. I’ve indicated which dimension each reveals, and the number of the item from the 3-D Worldview Survey in case you are interested in that tool.

  1. Creation Narrative

Agree or Disagree: “God created everything.” (Propositional, #10)

Understanding what a student believes about god’s role in creation, helps reveal that students worldview beliefs. There is a variety of perspectives on the creation, narrative, including young earth, Thursday, evolution, and natural evolution. In a discussion with students, you might bring up questions along the lines of these:

  • To what extent do you believe that God created everything?
  • How does this belief influence your understanding of the origins of life and the natural world?

This question reveals beliefs and is part of the propositional dimension of worldview in the 3-D Worldview Survey. But beliefs aren’t everything. They have an impact on our behaviors…

  1. Repentance

How often is this true in your life: “Repentance is a part of my private prayers to God.” (Behaviors, #68)

When we ask students questions about repentance, we don’t necessarily need to understand the specific things of which they repent although our relationship may open up that conversation. But it is good for us to challenge them to think about how often they actually repent in their private prayers with God. They (and we) should be asking God to help them overcome sin, and become more like him. We can encourage them to keep their relationship with him on a short account.

  • In your private prayers to God, do you consider repentance to be a crucial component? 
  • How does this reflect your personal relationship with God and your understanding of seeking forgiveness?
  • How personal prayers and repentance contribute to one’s spiritual life and development at a follower of Jesus?

This question reveals behavior and is part of the propositional dimension of worldview in the 3-D Worldview Survey. But beliefs and behaviors interact with the third dimension of worldview, heart-orientation, or attitudes.…

  1. Church Attendance and Breaks

How often do you think this way: “I look forward to being away from home so I can take a break from going to church.” (Heart-Orientation, #55)

Ask the students whether they want to stay away from church isn’t about taking attendance. It’s about what they want. Do they want to be with other believers? Do they want to avoid being with other believers? Do they just want to stop going to church–short term or long term. It helps us to understand their attitudes, because it reveals not only what they actually do, but what they want to do.

  • How do you perceive the relationship between being away from home and taking a break from church? 
  • Is it something you look forward to, or do you find church attendance important regardless of your location?
  • What is the significance of church attendance and its connection to one’s physical location?
  • Is it important to you to be with other believers regularly as part of your worship of God?

This question reveals attitudes, or heart-oreination. It tells us a person’s desires, hopes, wishes. And those attitudes interact with the other two dimensions of worldview.

Now What?

We are convinced of the immediate relevance of developing a 3-dimensional and biblical worldview in students so that they have a firm foundation of beliefs that they live out in their daily behavior as they continue with an attitude that orients their heart toward the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their lives. 

And if you haven’t yet used the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the pdf below for more questions to get you started.

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