11 Dynamic Curriculum Resources for Teaching Biblical Worldview

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11 Dynamic Curriculum Resources for Teaching Biblical Worldview

11 Dynamic Curriculum Resources for Teaching Biblical Worldview 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

11 Dynamic Curriculum Resources for Teaching Biblical Worldview 

March 26, 2024
Katherine Schultz

In a quaint Christian high school nestled amidst rolling hills, Mr. Sterling, a passionate teacher, embarked on a challenging journey to illuminate the minds of his students with the truth and light of a biblical worldview. Fueled by the desire to instill faith-based perspectives, Mr. Sterling ran into a significant struggle in his search for helpful, relevant, and biblical based teaching materials.

Armed with unwavering determination, Mr. Sterling delved into countless online resources, scoured through dusty library shelves, and reached out to fellow educators. Despite his tireless efforts, he found himself wrestling with a scarcity of comprehensive and engaging materials tailored to the unique needs of his students.

With each setback, Mr. Sterling’s determination deepened. He discovered hidden gems which offered rich content for his students. However, the scarcity of textbooks addressing the specific challenges faced by Christian teens left Mr. Sterling yearning for more.

In his pursuit, Mr. Sterling stumbled upon podcasts that brought current concerns and a sense of vitality and relevance into his lessons, captivating the hearts of his students and fostering meaningful discussions within the classroom.

Sound Familiar?

It can be a challenge to find resources to use in your classroom to help your students understand a difficult worldview. Please, please, please, start with a firm foundation and time in the Bible. Then keep looking as you want more resources to enrich the teaching and learning in your classroom. 

We’ve collected a list of books, websites, and other resources to get you started.

11 Resources to Get You Started

  1. Beyond Biblical Integration: Immersing Yourself and Your Students in a Biblical Worldview. (Book) Erdvig, Roger
    Explores ways to integrate a biblical worldview in teaching, emphasizing immersion for both educators and students.
  2. Hidden Worldviews. (Book) Wilkens, Steve; Sanford, Mark L.
    Challenges Christians who have adopted various worldviews that masquerade as biblical, including individualism and salvation by therapy.
  3. Setting a Sustainable Trajectory: A Pedagogical Theory for Christian Worldview Formation. (Book) Lindemann, Rob L.
    Explores a pedagogical theory for Christian worldview formation, emphasizing sustainability and development.
  4. Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health. (Book) Whitney, Donald S.
    Reflection questions for heart attitudes, similar to the questions posed in this book.
  5. Understanding the Times. (Book) Noebel, David A. & Myers, Jeff.
    An extensive resource offering comparative worldviews across multiple parameters, particularly effective for understanding the propositional dimension of worldview.
  6. Summit Ministries Worldview Chart. (Charts and Graphics) 
    Chart comparing 6 worldviews (Biblical Christianity, Islam, Secularism, Marxism, New Spirituality, Postmodernism) in 10 areas.
  7. Summit Ministries. (Student Summer Programs) 
    Summer sessions every year for teens to young adults, focusing on worldview development.
  8. Understanding the Times by Summit Ministries. (Courses and Programs) 
    A course designed to study prominent worldviews through the ways that each of them understands a major component of life.
  9. Colson Center. (Courses and Programs) 
    Offers several free digital courses on topics like Worldview Formation
  10. Colson Center Digital Courses. (Courses and Programs)
    Several free digital courses on topics like Worldview Formation, Cultural Fluency, and more.
  11. Truth Project of Focus on the Family. (Courses and Programs) 
    A small group study fostering a biblical worldview in daily life. Explores theology, philosophy, ethics, and more, encouraging participants to apply biblical principles to various aspects of life.

What Next? 

We are convinced of the immediate relevance of developing a 3-dimensional and biblical worldview in students so that they have a firm foundation of beliefs that they live out in their daily behavior as they continue with an attitude that orients their heart toward the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their lives. 

If you haven’t yet used the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the pdf below for some questions to get you started.

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