3 Key Questions to Assess Your Students’ Biblical Worldview

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3 Key Questions to Assess Your Students’ Biblical Worldview

3 Key Questions to Assess Your Students’ Biblical Worldview 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

3 Key Questions to Assess Your Students’ Biblical Worldview

October 1, 2024

Katherine Schultz

Understanding your students’ biblical worldview is essential for fostering their spiritual growth. Yet, evaluating this worldview can be challenging. To help you assess their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes effectively, we’re sharing three key questions from the 3-D Worldview Survey. These questions will offer you valuable insights into how well your students grasp and live out their faith. Dive in to discover how these questions can reveal your students’ understanding and commitment to their biblical worldview.

Exploring Beliefs with a Key Question

Beliefs are the core of a person’s worldview. To evaluate students’ beliefs, ask:

On a 5-point Scale, how strongly do you Agree (5) or Disagree (1)?
God created everything.

This question checks if students accept the biblical account of creation. Genesis 1:1 tells us, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” A strong biblical worldview sees this truth as fundamental. When students affirm this belief, they recognize God’s role as the Creator and understand the foundation of their faith.

This question is crucial in determining whether students see creation as a starting point for their worldview. This will help you assess if students grasp the importance of creation in their worldview. For further insights, read Where Did Everything Come From? 

Assessing Behaviors Through a Relevant Question

Behaviors often reflect underlying beliefs. To evaluate behaviors, consider:

On a 5-point Scale, how Frequently (5) or Rarely (1) do you do this?
Repentance is a part of my private prayers to God.

This question gauges how students integrate repentance into their spiritual life. Romans 2:3-4 warns against presuming on God’s kindness, suggesting that true repentance is essential. Students with a mature biblical worldview acknowledge their sins and seek God’s forgiveness regularly. They understand that repentance is a vital aspect of their relationship with God.

This question remains a vital tool for assessing behaviors. It reveals how students’ behaviors align with their understanding of repentance and their relationship with God. For deeper exploration of behavioral aspects, revisit Do I Really Need to Repent? 

Uncovering Attitudes with a Thought-Provoking Question

Attitudes often shape how students interact with their faith community. To understand attitudes, ask:

On a 5-point Scale, how Frequently (5) or Rarely (1) do you feel this way?
I look forward to being away from home so I can take a break from going to church.

This question assesses students’ attitudes toward church involvement. Hebrews 10:24-25 encourages believers to remain active in their faith community, stating, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (NIV). A student with a mature biblical worldview will value regular church attendance and see it as essential for spiritual growth.

The question provides insights into students’ commitment to their faith community and their willingness to engage with other believers. Read more at Ready for a Break from Church? 

Additional Resources

For related content, check out these blog posts:

These posts offer valuable insights into applying worldview assessments and fostering a mature biblical perspective among students.

Now What?

The questions in this article are part of the 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey (3DWS). To access more questions and better understand your students’ biblical worldview, download our “10 Questions to Understand Worldview” PDF. This resource will help you delve deeper into assessing and shaping students’ worldviews.

We think there is immediate relevance of developing a 3-dimensional and biblical worldview in students so that they have a firm foundation of beliefs, live out their beliefs in their daily behavior, and continue with an attitude that orients their heart toward the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their lives. 

We also know that everyone needs help sometimes. If you want help in understanding your students’ worldviews better, and mentoring and discipling them in spiritual formation, we have a tool for that, the 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey.

If you haven’t yet used the 3DWS with your class, check out the pdf below for some sample questions from the survey to get you started.

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