In the Lens of Belief: A Comparison of Worldview Spiritual Formation Tools

Text says "comparing worldview assessments;" a jigsaw puzzle that shows text reading "traditional worldview assessments" and a rubics-style cube labeled "3-dimensional worldview survey"

In the Lens of Belief: A Comparison of Worldview Spiritual Formation Tools

In the Lens of Belief: A Comparison of Worldview Spiritual Formation Tools 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

In the Lens of Belief: A Comparison of Worldview Spiritual Formation Tools

January 16, 2024
Katherine Schultz

Looking for the right tool to help you understand a person’s worldview? Of course, we have a suggestion, but it only seems fair to let you know the options.

Available Tools for Understanding Biblical Worldview and Faith Formation in Students

  • ACSI Bible Assessment (ABA)

    Description: The ACSI Bible Assessment is an evaluation tool specifically tailored for assessing biblical knowledge and understanding among students. It is often used in Christian schools to gauge students’ comprehension of biblical principles.

  • Flourishing Student Assessment (FSA)

    Description: The Flourishing Student Assessment™ asks 27 questions and provides detailed insight into 14 areas. Chris Browne at Wheaton Press is the developer of the Flourishing Student Assessment.

  • PEERS Test (PEERS)

    Description: The PEERS test consists of a series of statements carefully structured to identify a person’s worldview in five categories: Politics, Economics, Education, Religion, and Social Issues (PEERS). Dan Smithwick of the Nehemiah Institute developed the PEERS test.

  • Practicing Faith Survey (PFS)

    Description: The Practicing Faith Survey is focused on faith formation within Christian schools. This survey was designed to help you to understand how your choices as a student relate to Christian practices. The Practicing Faith Survey grows out of a partnership between the Kuyers Institute for Christian Teaching and Learning at Calvin University and Cardus Education. 

  • ViewFinder Tool (VFT)

    Description: Renew a Nation’s ViewFinder Tool is a resource designed to guide individuals in exploring and understanding their worldview. It offers insights into personal perspectives and beliefs.

  • Worldview Checkup (WVC)

    Description: The Summit Worldview Checkup is a tool designed to evaluate an individual’s worldview. Summit Ministries aims to help individuals explore and strengthen their Christian worldview through resources and assessments like the Worldview Checkup.

  • Worldview Test (WVT)

    Description: The Worldview Test from Worldview Journeys is an online tool designed to assess an individual’s worldview. It provides 17 questions with 4 choices, asking participants to select the 1 they most agree with and the 1 they least agree with. The end result is to identify the person’s dominant worldview and their lowest worldview from 4 options: traditional, postmodern, modern, and integrative (or a mix of these).

  • 3-D Worldview Survey (3DWS)

    Description: The 3-D Worldview Survey examines an individual’s worldview across three key dimensions: Propositional (beliefs), Behavioral, and Heart-Orientation (attitudes). It delves into how beliefs manifest in actions, and uncovers the underlying attitudes that shape one’s worldview. This survey offers insights on the interplay between beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. Katherine Schultz developed the 3DWS.

Benefits of the 3DWS

Ease of Use

  • User-friendly interface
  • Clear instructions for participants
  • Online assessment
  • Mobile or laptop compatibility

Reading Level

  • 7th grade reading level for the target audience
  • Avoidance of complex language or jargon

Number of Items

  • 73 survey items
  • Multiple items for each dimension: propositional, behavioral, and heart orientation

Validity & Reliability

Biblical Alignment

  • Alignment with traditional protestant evangelical biblical principles

Feedback and Interpretation

  • Detailed reports with numerical and narrative results for individuals and groups (10+)
  • Clear interpretation of results
  • Recommendations for improvement or growth

Support and Training

  • User support services for group leaders
  • Training resources for individuals

Group Administration

  • Ability to administer assessments to groups
  • Group reporting features
  • Ability to add supplemental questions to meet specific needs of researchers or institutions
  • Ability to analyze results by demographic factors (age, gender, etc.)

Now What?

We are convinced of the immediate relevance of developing a 3-dimensional and biblical worldview in students so that they have a firm foundation of beliefs that they live out in their daily behavior as they continue with an attitude that orients their heart toward the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their lives. 

And if you haven’t yet used the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the pdf below for some questions to get you started.

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