Organizational Impact: Leveraging the 3-D Worldview Survey

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Organizational Impact: Leveraging the 3-D Worldview Survey

Organizational Impact: Leveraging the 3-D Worldview Survey 1344 768 Katherine Schultz

Organizational Impact: Leveraging the 3-D Worldview Survey

September 10, 2024
Katherine Schultz

In Christian organizations like schools, churches, and ministries, our aim is clear: to deepen individuals’ commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ through a mature biblical worldview. The 3-D Worldview Survey (3DWS) is instrumental in this endeavor, offering insights into beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. By leveraging these insights, we can tailor curriculum, refine programming, and nurture holistic growth among students. Let’s harness the power of the 3DWS to enhance our organizational impact and advance the Kingdom of God.

Understanding Organizational Impact

If you, like me, work in a Christian organization like a school, church, college, camp, or other ministry, we love the people that we want to serve. That’s one reason we do it! But we also love the Lord Jesus Christ. And we want those people we serve to know him and serve him well, too. In other words, we want the organization to have an impact on the students’ worldview. We want them to have a mature biblical worldview in their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. That’s where the 3-D Worldview Survey comes in. Using a tool like the 3DWS helps organizations understand student worldview and allows them to better mentor and disciple individuals. It also helps those organizations to develop and revise programs with that end in mind. 

Discipling and Mentoring for a Mature Biblical Worldview

Understanding our students’ worldview is a complicated process. It takes time to get to know them. and it takes a lot of work to be sure we understand them correctly. That’s particularly true of the things that we can’t see: their beliefs and their attitudes. But it even extends to their behaviors because they don’t happen in our presence. Our students live lives with us, and away from us. That’s good. They are interacting in the world and can have an impact on it for Christ if they are prepared to do so by the training that we give them.

We want our students to have biblical maturity in all the dimensions of their worldview: their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. And in order to do that, we need to know where they are now. What do we have as our starting point? A tool like the 3DWS will help us better understand where our students are now so that we can mentor and disciple them wisely and specifically. But that’s not all it can do. 

Enhancing Curriculum and Programming

Sometimes we come to realize that a large number of our students actually have similar challenges in their worldview development. Maybe we discover that they have faulty doctrine. Or we realize that they are not living out their faith once they leave our direct influence. Perhaps they’re doing or saying things with an attitude of resistance to God, but we haven’t been able to detect that. Using a tool like the 3DWS allows us to see trends and commonalities. That allows us to plan and prepare our programs more effectively. We can tailor our programming to address the particular worldview gaps of our own students.

As much as we have common ground in many areas, we all (individually and organizationally) have slightly different strengths and weaknesses.Tools like the 3DWS can help reveal that about a particular organization or group of students. And then the leaders of that organization can make plans to address those concerns directly. Leaders can also use survey data to guide their future outreach efforts if they realize there are consistent issues with their students.

Nurturing Holistic Growth

As wonderful as it would be for all of our students to have full biblical maturity in their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes, it’s likely they won’t. It’s likely we don’t either. Addressing a three-dimensional worldview in our students and our programs will help us to direct them toward biblical beliefs. It will also help us to challenge them to follow Jesus in their everyday behaviors. And it will inspire them to orient their hearts toward God so that they want to follow and serve him all their lives. 

Monitoring Progress and Adaptation

The other advantage to using a tool like the 3DWS is that it gives an organization a chance to look at long-term progress. With an annual administration of the survey, leaders can determine if the effects of their program are as expected. And they can modify them as needed. In addition it gives leaders an opportunity to work with individuals in the organization for growth in a mature biblical worldview through various activities.

We measure a lot of things in this world. Why not worldview?

Now What?

We are convinced of the immediate relevance of developing a 3-dimensional and biblical worldview in students so that they have a firm foundation of beliefs that they live out in their daily behavior as they continue with an attitude that orients their heart toward the Lord Jesus Christ throughout their lives. 

If you are ready to use the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the link below to get started.

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