3D Worldview Survey

Get to the heart of worldview

What Is the 3-D Worldview Survey?

What Is the 3-D Worldview Survey? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

What Is the 3-D Worldview Survey? January 31, 2023Katherine Schultz Let’s start with a question: Why even try to assess worldview? The Bible encourages us to be reflective. Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you-unless indeed…

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Group of four young adult students and a teacher engaged with print and laptop materials.

The True Nature of Humanity: Understanding Worldviews in Education

The True Nature of Humanity: Understanding Worldviews in Education 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Understanding human nature is key to nurturing a biblical worldview in students. As educators, we must recognize how students’ beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes shape their faith and guide them toward spiritual maturity. In this post, I outline practical strategies for integrating biblical truths into all aspects of a student’s life, focusing on their intrinsic nature and how God designed them to engage with the world around them.

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Silhouetted human figure with sunset clouds, and the text in circle around figure stating "Then you will know the truth"

Truth and Discipleship: Building a Biblical Worldview in Students (Param 04, means of knowing truth)

Truth and Discipleship: Building a Biblical Worldview in Students (Param 04, means of knowing truth) 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Building a biblical worldview in students requires more than just knowledge; it involves understanding how we know truth. In this post, we explore the importance of truth in discipleship, the foundational role it plays in shaping students’ beliefs, and how to assess and nurture a biblical worldview.

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Colorful view of the deep universe with text layover "In the beginning, God created"

Understanding the Origins of Life and the Universe: A Biblical Perspective on Worldview (Parameter 3 of 15)

Understanding the Origins of Life and the Universe: A Biblical Perspective on Worldview (Parameter 3 of 15) 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Explore a biblical perspective on the origins of life and the universe, and how worldview shapes our understanding of creation and purpose.

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Two dirt roads diverging toward a colorful sunset over a wide open plain. On the left road, a silhouetted single human figure walks towards a cross in the distance.

Grasping God’s Nature: Assessing Students’ Biblical Worldview Maturity (Parameter 02 – Nature of God)

Grasping God’s Nature: Assessing Students’ Biblical Worldview Maturity (Parameter 02 – Nature of God) 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

“Grasping God’s nature is a foundational aspect of assessing students’ biblical worldview maturity. By understanding how students perceive God’s character, we can better guide them in developing a deeper spiritual maturity that aligns with biblical teachings. This process is essential for fostering a stronger, more authentic Christian worldview that shapes not only their beliefs but also their behaviors and attitudes.

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A stack of school textbooks and a backpack on a bench in a grassy open area in front of a school building.

Ultimate Reality and Its Role in Shaping Student Worldview (Worldview Parameters, Part 1)

Ultimate Reality and Its Role in Shaping Student Worldview (Worldview Parameters, Part 1) 1472 832 Katherine Schultz

“Ultimate reality plays a crucial role in shaping student worldviews. As Christian educators, understanding and addressing the foundational beliefs of our students can help guide them toward a deeper, biblically-informed perspective. By exploring the nature of ultimate reality and how it influences our beliefs and actions, we equip students to navigate a world filled with competing worldviews.”

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Split image: left side, male of the world on desk; divider thunderbolt; right side, Bible with map of world

3DWS Pre-Test and Post-Test: Measuring Biblical Worldview in Students

3DWS Pre-Test and Post-Test: Measuring Biblical Worldview in Students 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

“Assessing and cultivating a biblical worldview in students is critical for their growth as leaders. The 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey offers a holistic approach that helps Christian educators understand and nurture the heart, beliefs, and actions of their students, empowering them to guide students in their spiritual and academic development.”

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Two images of the same young adult male: on the left, a scowl, and on the right a smile.

Understanding Human Nature: Are We Basically Good or Bad?

Understanding Human Nature: Are We Basically Good or Bad? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Are humans basically good or bad? This fundamental question shapes our worldview and impacts how we understand sin, salvation, and moral responsibility. Our latest blog post delves into the biblical perspective on human nature, contrasting it with secular and opposing worldviews. Discover the essential insights you need to develop a robust Christian worldview and guide your educational efforts effectively.

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A hollow cube with the words beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes flowing out of each visible face.

Understanding a 3-Dimensional Worldview

Understanding a 3-Dimensional Worldview 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Explore the depth of understanding student worldviews with our 3-dimensional approach. Learn how assessing beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes can transform your educational strategies and support student growth. Discover practical insights and actionable strategies to enhance your approach to student assessment.

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Screen split with lightening bolt and "VS" - left side is heart-shaped sunburst behind a cross; right side is barren tree branches laden with books

Avoiding Intellectual Faith Traps

Avoiding Intellectual Faith Traps 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Is your faith merely intellectual, or is it transforming your heart and life? Many Christian educators grapple with this question, often finding that knowledge alone isn’t enough for true spiritual growth. Explore how to avoid the common trap of intellectual faith and embrace a 3-dimensional biblical worldview that shapes both mind and soul.

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15 linked nodes on a grid showing the parameters of worldview

15 Parameters: A Practical Worldview Toolkit for Christian Educators

15 Parameters: A Practical Worldview Toolkit for Christian Educators 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Explore the 15 essential parameters for assessing and shaping a biblical worldview in students. Our latest blog post offers actionable insights into evaluating worldview beliefs and behaviors, empowering Christian educators to cultivate a deeper, more impactful faith perspective. Discover how these parameters can enhance your teaching strategy and strengthen student discipleship. Dive into the full article to transform your approach and foster a robust biblical worldview.

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