3D Worldview Survey

Get to the heart of worldview
Large oak tree with roots reaching down to open Bible with pages curled to form a heart.

Heart Check: Measuring Worldview

Heart Check: Measuring Worldview 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Heart Check: Measuring Worldview August 6, 2024Katherine Schultz Understanding a student’s biblical worldview involves more than just assessing their beliefs and behaviors. It requires delving into the very core of their being – their heart orientation. In this blog post, we’ll explore the significance of heart orientation in shaping worldview and discuss practical ways to…

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Looking down a row of students and a teacher using computers.

Overcoming Ignorance: Building Wise and Resilient Believers

Overcoming Ignorance: Building Wise and Resilient Believers 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Overcoming Ignorance: Building Wise and Resilient Believers June 4, 2024Katherine SchultzIn our Christian leadership roles, our ultimate goal is to guide individuals to follow Jesus wholeheartedly, both in their daily actions and throughout their lives, even into eternity. We want them to be informed and resilient so they “stand firm in the faith” (1 Corinthians…

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Mountain climber on a sheer cliff face

Equipping the Ill-Equipped: Teaching Biblical Worldview amidst Personal Uncertainty

Equipping the Ill-Equipped: Teaching Biblical Worldview amidst Personal Uncertainty 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Discover practical strategies for teaching Biblical Worldview amidst personal uncertainty. Learn from real-life experiences and biblical wisdom to empower your journey as an educator. #3dworldview #biblicalworldview #teachingstrategies

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Lighthouse in sunset pink glow along a rocky shore.

Shining Light on a Biblical Worldview: Key Ideas for Student Understanding

Shining Light on a Biblical Worldview: Key Ideas for Student Understanding 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Explore the significance of a biblical worldview in shaping students’ beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. Learn how to empower students with foundational principles grounded in Scripture. Click to dive deeper!

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Nighttime image from above showing a person walking along a sidewalk with paths leading off to each side, lit by lamps long the path.

Exploring the Impact of Student Worldview in Decision Making

Exploring the Impact of Student Worldview in Decision Making 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

“Dive into the profound significance of student worldview in decision making. Explore how propositional beliefs, everyday behaviors, and heart-orientation attitudes intersect to shape choices. Gain insights from biblical wisdom and learn practical implications for empowering students to make informed decisions aligned with their faith.”

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On the left, an image of a compass with the needle bouncing a bit. On the right, text that reads "Can you measure heart orientation? The heart needs constant calibration towards truth north" and the logo of the 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey

Measuring Heart Orientation: Insights from Worship, Embodiment, Symbol, and Ritual

Measuring Heart Orientation: Insights from Worship, Embodiment, Symbol, and Ritual 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

Explore the profound dynamics of heart orientation in shaping beliefs and behaviors, rooted in the 3-dimensional worldview framework. Discover insights from worship, embodiment, symbol, and ritual.
#HeartOrientation #WorldviewAssessment #ChristianEducation

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Left image is cloaked figure walking through foggy forest; right of image is text reading "What sabotages my students' faith? Unseen dangers can ensnare unsuspecting students and lead them away from their spiritual path" and the logo of the 3-dimensional worldview survey.

Steadfast in a Shifting World: Challenges That Sabotage My Students’ Faith

Steadfast in a Shifting World: Challenges That Sabotage My Students’ Faith 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

“In today’s rapidly changing world, nurturing a steadfast biblical worldview among students is more crucial than ever. Let’s explore the challenges students face and consider ways to prepare them to confront these obstacles with unwavering faith.”
#SteadfastFaith #ChallengesInFaith #ChristianEducation

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at left, open book on a laptop keyboard; at right, text "curriculum resources" and 30 Worldview Survey logo

11 Dynamic Curriculum Resources for Teaching Biblical Worldview

11 Dynamic Curriculum Resources for Teaching Biblical Worldview 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Explore dynamic curriculum resources for teaching biblical worldview. From books to courses, find tools to enrich your classroom experience.

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Two images of the same young man, on left calm, and on the right angry and appearing to be yelling. Behind them, the words Inconsistencies in words and behaviors.

Faith in Imperfect Community: A Biblical Approach to Church Life

Faith in Imperfect Community: A Biblical Approach to Church Life 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Dive into our latest blog post, where we explore the complexities of navigating imperfection within Christian community. Uncover timeless truths and practical insights to foster grace, forgiveness, and unity. Join the conversation today!

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A group of young plants sprouting from the ground, smallest at the left and getting larger to the right.

Transformative Education: Unveiling Hope with the 3-D Worldview Survey

Transformative Education: Unveiling Hope with the 3-D Worldview Survey 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Explore the transformative journey of Christian education with the 3D Worldview Survey. Navigate beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes for a hopeful future.

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