Attitudes: Heart-Orientation

Compass heart pointing at Bible

What is Heart Orientation in a 3-D Worldview?

What is Heart Orientation in a 3-D Worldview? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

It is possible to ask worldview questions that can give a glimpse of understanding of a person’s heart orientation.

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Open bible with headphones on it

What Is a Biblical Worldview Anyway?

What Is a Biblical Worldview Anyway? 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

February 21, 2023 Katherine Schultz How do I know if someone–maybe me–has a biblical worldview? What would I see, hear, suspect, wonder? What wouldn’t I see? Can I even know?  A 3-D Worldview I thought it would be a good idea to give a few of the many areas that are part of a person’s…

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Wooden figure holding sign with question mark

3 Questions to Discover Students’ Biblical Worldview

3 Questions to Discover Students’ Biblical Worldview 1920 1185 Katherine Schultz

3 Questions to Discover Students’ Biblical Worldview January 10, 2023Katherine Schultz Teachers in Christian education settings who want their students to develop a mature biblical worldview can struggle with knowing how well they are succeeding. It’s easy to ask questions about a student’s knowledge, but a worldview is 3-dimensional, and we want to understand all…

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