Beliefs: Propositional

Looking up at a blue sky with a few clouds and rays of sunshine, with a white dove descending.

Holy Spirit: Symbol or Living Being?

Holy Spirit: Symbol or Living Being? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Holy Spirit: Symbol or Living Being? October 17, 2023Katherine Schultz Is the Holy Spirit a symbol of God’s presence or a living Being? This post contains a biblical perspective on a brief topic taken from the 3-Dimensional Worldview Survey. It identifies 1 topic, 2 relevant scriptures, and a 3-D Worldview perspective in brief format. What…

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Close up of Australian shepherd dog with white stripe up center of black face and white neck ruff looking into camera with brown eyes.

Do I Ultimately Decide What’s Right or Wrong for Me?

Do I Ultimately Decide What’s Right or Wrong for Me? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Do I decide what’s right or wrong for me? Do you? Or do I decide for you? How does anyone decide what’s right or wrong?

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Night sky with text "May the (strikeout) Force Be With You"

Snapshot: A Biblical Worldview Perspective on God as Impersonal Force

Snapshot: A Biblical Worldview Perspective on God as Impersonal Force 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

I remember waiting in line for hours with my cousins to see a certain movie in summer of 1977. I wasn’t much of a movie goer, or a science fiction fan, but it was the thing to do, and I ended up in line to see it twice in a short space of time. That movie has has a deep impact on culture in the United States and around the world, particularly with its view of “the force” influencing everything. But that raises a question: Is God an impersonal force? 

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Bible in a balance scale

1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective

1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective  July 4, 2023 Katherine Schultz 1 Topic: Source of Morality What is the source of morality? Is it nature? Or society? Or individuals? Or is there a transcendent source of moral authority? 2 Scriptures Isaiah 51:4 “Pay attention to Me, O My people,…

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Pentagram with candles and animal skull

Is the Devil a Symbol or Reality? A Brief Biography

Is the Devil a Symbol or Reality? A Brief Biography 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Is the Devil a Symbol or Reality? A Brief Biography June 20, 2023Katherine Schultz In a recent conversation with a friend, she was surprised to realize that demons are real. Her own church background hadn’t addressed the question. It got me thinking about one of the questions on the 3-D Worldview Survey, which asks whether…

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Young man pointing to himself, in the background is a Bible

The Bible Is True Because I Believe It (Or Is It?)

The Bible Is True Because I Believe It (Or Is It?) 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

The Bible Is True Because I Believe It (Or Is It?) June 6, 2023Katherine Schultz This post contains a biblical perspective on whether the Bible is true because I believe it. It attempts to answer the question “is the Bible reliable?” It is from a series of personal perspectives on the individual questions of the…

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Road to Utopia, population zero

Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society?

Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society? May 30, 2023Katherine Schultz Shouldn’t it be possible after all of human history and experience that we could eventually result in a perfect society if we work together? Of course, there are obstacles, like wars, injustice, and cultural variations, and imperfect knowledge. But shouldn’t we be…

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3 Men Praying--Jewish, Muslim, Christian

Do All Religions Pray to the Same God? A Biblical Worldview Perspective

Do All Religions Pray to the Same God? A Biblical Worldview Perspective 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

This post contains a biblical perspective on a brief topic taken from one or more questions on the 3-D Worldview Survey. It identifies 1 topic, 2 relevant scriptures, and a 3-D Worldview perspective in brief format.

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Majestic view of night sky and snow covered fir trees

Where Did Everything Come From?

Where Did Everything Come From? 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

Where Did Everything Come From? March 21, 2023Katherine Schultz This post contains a biblical perspective on God as creator of everything. It is from a series of personal perspectives on the individual questions of the 3-D Worldview Survey. If I’m honest… If I’m honest, I have to admit that I can get pulled into the…

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Open bible with headphones on it

What Is a Biblical Worldview Anyway?

What Is a Biblical Worldview Anyway? 1280 720 Katherine Schultz

February 21, 2023 Katherine Schultz How do I know if someone–maybe me–has a biblical worldview? What would I see, hear, suspect, wonder? What wouldn’t I see? Can I even know?  A 3-D Worldview I thought it would be a good idea to give a few of the many areas that are part of a person’s…

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