Compass heart pointing at Bible

What is Heart Orientation in a 3-D Worldview?

What is Heart Orientation in a 3-D Worldview? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

It is possible to ask worldview questions that can give a glimpse of understanding of a person’s heart orientation.

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3DWS Client Story

Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey

Client Story: Rob L and the 3-D Worldview Survey 2240 1260 Katherine Schultz

through the class, Rob has his students complete the 3-D Worldview Survey. They then use the results to reflect on how their own worldview has been influenced by other worldviews, and identify how they might want to rethink their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes.

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What Is the 3-D Worldview Survey?

What Is the 3-D Worldview Survey? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

What Is the 3-D Worldview Survey? January 31, 2023Katherine Schultz Let’s start with a question: Why even try to assess worldview? The Bible encourages us to be reflective. Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you-unless indeed…

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