Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society?

Road to Utopia, population zero

Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society?

Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society? 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

Can We Work Together to Create a Perfect Society?

May 30, 2023
Katherine Schultz

Shouldn’t it be possible after all of human history and experience that we could eventually result in a perfect society if we work together? Of course, there are obstacles, like wars, injustice, and cultural variations, and imperfect knowledge. But shouldn’t we be able to create a perfect society eventually? 

Worldview Behind the Question

The question has a presupposition behind it: that a perfect society is possible. But it fails to take into consideration that the people working together are themselves far from perfect. It fails to take into consideration the fallen nature of humans, and therefore doesn’t take into consideration the impact of those fallen humans on the outcome in society. In fact, there are several different views on society based on a person’s worldview. They all make assumptions about humanity, and about what a perfect society would be. Let’s check out a few examples.

Humanist Worldview of Humans and Society

A humanist worldview of humans is that they are basically good, can achieve great things, and can work together to create a perfect society. So their answer to the question posed in the title of this article is a firm “yes.”

Communist/Socialist Worldview of Humans and Society

A communist/socialist worldview of humans is that whatever advances the working class (the proletariat) and the communist worldview is morally good, and that people can indeed work together to reach a perfect society. Communists/socialists would say that is a society that promotes the values of the working class over those who own the means of production (the bourgeoisie).  So their answer to the question posed in the title of this article is also a firm “yes.”

CRT (Critical Race Theory) Worldview of Humans and Society

Very similar to a communist/socialist worldview, a CRT Worldview pits oppressed against oppressor. The oppressors are all ill-intentioned, and the oppressed are all well-intentioned. The oppressed are basically good, while the oppressors are basically evil. If the oppressed work together to defeat the oppressors, then they can attain a perfect society. 

Biblical Worldview of Humans and Society

In contrast to other worldviews, the Biblical worldview holds that man is not basically good, but fallen in nature. He has separated himself from God through sin, and only by repentance can that separation be repaired. That means, of course, that no efforts of humans on their own will result in a perfect society (think Babylon, Rome, and many others through history). The sin factor will always undermine any  human efforts. Only by working for an eternal kingdom rather than a temporal one can we contribute to a perfect society, and that only by the grace of God and in eternity.

Now What?

Of course, these are very reduced explanations of these competing worldviews, but they illustrate the contrast between a biblical worldview and those that oppose it.

But if the problem is mis-diagnosed, then the solution won’t fix it.

Only the Biblical Worldview conforms to the reality that people are not basically good, but are a complicated blend of the original imago Dei (image of God, Genesis 1:27) and also deformed by sin (Romans 8).

But asking questions like “can we work together to create a perfect society” are a great way to reveal someone’s worldview. If you are looking for a way to help you understand someone’s worldview, check out the pdf below for some questions to get you started.