3 Essential Elements of a Biblical Worldview

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3 Essential Elements of a Biblical Worldview

3 Essential Elements of a Biblical Worldview 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

3 Essential Elements of a Biblical Worldview

June 13, 2023
Katherine Schultz

What are the 3 Essential Elements of a Biblical Worldview? For us here at 3-D Worldview Survey, the answer is easy: beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. When these three elements line up with Scripture, it’s much more likely that a person has a biblical worldview. Let’s get into more detail.

Essential Biblical Worldview Element 1: Beliefs

A person’s beliefs are an essential element of his or her worldview. They are the propositions, assumptions, convictions, or beliefs a person holds. They would include what creeds or doctrinal statements describe those beliefs. The Apostles’ Creed, or Westminster Catechism, or an organizational statement of faith are all doctrinal statements of beliefs. But a person’s beliefs go far beyond doctrine, as foundational as that is. Beliefs also include a person’s views on history, justice, economics, government, society, relationships, values, morality, convictions, aesthetics, and more. All of those areas also hold strong ties to worldview because a person’s beliefs in each area will have a powerful impact on what he or she carries out in life. And that leads us to the second essential element, behaviors. 

Essential Biblical Worldview Element 2: Behaviors

As important as beliefs are, behaviors are equally so. That is because we do what is an expression of what we believe. And, we also form our beliefs as a result of what we do, especially what we do repeatedly. So our frequency of church attendance, or bible reading, or prayer are obvious examples of behaviors that indicate the maturity of our biblical worldview. But it will also show in how we spend our time and our money. In what types of music, books, art, movies, or shows we go to. How we dress. What we do when we experience certain emotions. The way we respond to a crisis in our own lives, our friends’ lives, or in the world around us. Of course, these are also tied to the third essential element, attitudes. 

Essential Biblical Worldview Element 3: Attitudes

We are all likely familiar with the idea of a hypocrite, and we know we don’t want to be one. That’s what makes it so clear that attitudes are an essential element of a biblical worldview. Attitudes are what we call heart-orientation. If we declare our belief in Jesus, but don’t trust in him, we are like the demons who fear and tremble (James 2:19). And if we do all the right things but are not his child, we are like the Pharisees who are white washed tombs (Matthew 23:27). 

So our attitudes about Jesus, gathering with other Christians, and prayer are certainly part of our worldview since they are behind what we are doing (behaviors) and the reasons we do them (beliefs). But so are our attitudes about everything else we do. When we give time, money, and resources, do we do it with grumbling compliance, or with joy? Do we go to church from habit or from love for God and his people? Or maybe we get more engaged in activities like sporting events or concerts than we do in sharing the Lord’s supper. 

Now What?

If you want your own worldview and that of your students to line up with Scripture, it needs to include all three of these essential elements: beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. 

And if you haven’t yet used the 3-D Worldview Survey with your class, check out the pdf below for some questions to get you started.