1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective

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1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective

1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective 1920 1080 Katherine Schultz

1-2-3-D Snapshot: What is the Source for Morality: A Biblical Worldview Perspective 

July 4, 2023
Katherine Schultz

1 Topic: Source of Morality

What is the source of morality? Is it nature? Or society? Or individuals? Or is there a transcendent source of moral authority?

2 Scriptures

Isaiah 51:4 “Pay attention to Me, O My people,
And give ear to Me, O My nation;
For a law will go forth from Me,
And I will set My justice for a light of the peoples.” 

John 1:17-18. “For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.”

3-D Worldview 

There are really one a few sources for morality: nature, society, individuals, or a transcendent authority (thanks to Pastor Rick Henderson of Autumn Ridge Church for his sermon 3/19/23 here).

If the source of morality is nature, then there is no reason to protect the weak from the strong. Might makes right.

If the source of morality is society, then morality is dictated by whoever has the power. Majority rules.

If the source of morality is individuals, then there is no reason to object when someone disagrees with us. My way or the highway.

But, if morality is determined by a transcendent authority, by God, then we are all accountable to Him. We will all be judged by him, and we can rely on our own actions for hope, or we can place our hope in the sacrifice of Jesus to cover our actions.

What about You?

Knowing that the source of morality is God, and that he has shared that with us in his Word, allows us to know what is right and wrong. But we don’t just want to be concerned with morality, we want to know the source of it personally by having a relationship with Jesus Christ by faith through grace. And then you can begin the lifetime delightful journey of becoming more like him in your beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes. That’s what it is to have a mature biblical worldview.

Understanding a person’s worldview is complicated, but you can gain some insight. If you struggle to know if you have a mature biblical worldview, or you work with students whose worldview you are trying to develop, asking questions can be a great place to start. Grab a copy of the free PDF “10 Questions to Understand Your Worldview” linked below.